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From studies and the academic world …
I studied power systems and high-voltage engineering at the University of Stuttgart. After my Diploma, Professor Welfonder offered me a position as a research assistant in his department at the Institute of Process Engineering and Steam Boiler Technology. With an overlap to the fields of mechanical, electrical and control engineering, this work resulted in a complex dynamic model of the Western European interconnected power grids. All major power plant units and high-voltage lines from Denmark to Spain, Sicilia and Greece were depicted in this model. With the merger of further grids after the fall of the Iron Curtain, the increasing use of wind and solar energy and finally the energy turnaround, this approach has lost none of its relevance.
… to the industry
In 1986 I changed from research to industry. I started as a systems consultant for control centers at the Siemens office in Stuttgart. Here – at the intersection of sales, project engineering and service – I learned one important lesson: “The customer is the most important person of our company. Because he pays our salaries”. From then on, I always focused on the customer interest. Sometimes even against my own company.
While working on control centers for water utilities, my department was commissioned to implement FIS - a Flight Information System for Stuttgart Airport. This order was the turning point of my professional career. And to this day I am closely linked to this airport on professional and personal terms.
and to the airports of this world
Today, FIS would be described as an Airport Management System. Over the years, this system had been extended with numerous subsystems and interfaces. But the following systems AMS and FIDS were also designed and constructed under my active participation. My personal highlight was a contribution to the research project TAMS (Total Airport Management Suite). Now, for the first time ever, comprehensive concepts were developed to integrate and streamline all airport traffic processes – from flight operations to the turnaround on the ground.
In the course of TAMS, I relocated from Stuttgart to Constance, now the subsidiary Siemens Logistics GmbH. Siemens Logistics is a supplier and system integrator of baggage systems at airports all over the world. At large transfer airports such as Dubai International (DXB), the timely provision of passenger luggage to the onward flight is a daily challenge. Especially as the baggage system is only one link in the process chain from arriving flights to departure. Before my retirement, I worked on improvements of planning and prediction for all involved business processes. This was expected to lead to a significant increase in service quality and a reduction in misrouting costs. The feasibility of this concept has already been successfully demonstrated in Dubai.
An united Europe is so important to me
For 40 years I have been a member of the German Association for Electrical, Electronic & Information Technologies (VDE) as well as a Life Member of IEEE. My generation is the first to live in peace and freedom in Europe. Therefore, I am supporting the ideas and goals of the European Union. Positive inter-cultural relationships and cooperation are particularly close to my heart. That is why, I actively promote Adolesco. This organization arranges family-centered language exchanges for children and teens. Thus, each year numerous encounters between young people are enabled in Europe and around the world.
Foto: Lufthansa AG
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